Other Rulings

Title Description
AG Order 2650-2003: Federal Register Vol. 68, No. 21 (59.05 KB)

The Department of Justice, Office of the Pardon Attorney (OPA), is exempting a Privacy Act system of records entitled ‘‘Executive Clemency Case Files/Executive Clemency Tracking System (JUSTICE/OPA–001)’’ from subsections (c)(3), (c)(4), (d)(1), (d)(2), (d)(3), (d)(4), and (e)(5) of the Privacy Act. Information in this system relates to the investigation and evaluation of applicants for executive clemency and case-related correspondence regarding such applicants and the clemency process.

ATF Proc. 2020-2 – Recordkeeping and Background Check Procedure for Facilitation of Private Party Firearms Transfers (259.33 KB)

This procedure supercedes ATF Procedure 2017-1. The purpose of this ATF procedure is to set forth the recordkeeping and National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) procedures for Federal firearms licensees (FFLs) who facilitate the transfer of firearms between private unlicensed individuals. This procedure does not apply to pawn transactions, consignment sales, or repairs.

ATF Proc. 2020-1 – Recordkeeping procedure for non-over-the-counter firearm sales by licensees to unlicensed in-state residents that are NICS exempt (168.88 KB)

This procedure supersedes 2013-2. This ATF procedure gives guidance to licensed importers, manufacturers, and dealers (licensees) on how to complete the Firearms Transaction Record, ATF Form 4473 (Form 4473), as revised effective May 2020, and record the sale of a firearm, when selling to an unlicensed person who (a) Has a valid alternate permit or otherwise is exempt from National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) requirements; (b) Resides in the same State as the licensee; and (c) Does not appear in person at the licensee's business premises.

atf-ruling-2018-1.pdf (89.27 KB)
ATF is revoking several guidance documents; specifically 7 rulings, 1 procedure, and 59 open letters.  The following documents listed, in the order in which they were issued:  Revenue Ruling 69-114; ATF Ruling 75-30; ATF Ruling 7-13; ATF Ruling 77-25; ATF Ruling 77-26; ATF Ruling 80-22; ATF Ruling 80-23; ATF Procedure 80-7; 53 Open letters dated February 1994; Open Letter to all federally licensed importers and manufacturers dated August 22, 2001; Open Letter to All Federal firearms and explosives licensees dated November 20, 2001; Open Letter to all Federal Explosives Licensees and Permittees dated February 12, 2003; Open Letter to all FFLs dated August 31, 2006; Open Letter to all FFLs dated November 4, 2008; and Open Letter to Washington FFL's dated August 12, 2011.
2017-1-Revoking Certain Guidance Documents (282.88 KB)
ATF is revoking several guidance documents; specifically three rulings, one procedure, and two industry circulars.  ATF Procedure 75-4: Procedure incorporated into the Application for Explosives License or Permit, ATF Form 5400.13/16.; Industry Circular 75-10: Industry Circular incorporated into the Application for Explosives License or Permit, ATF Form 5400.13/16.; ATF Ruling 85-3: Ruling made obsolete by amendments to 18 U.S.C. 922(b)(3).; Industry Circular 85-3: Industry circular made obsolete by amendments to 18 U.S.C. 922(b)(3).; ATF Ruling 2001-1: Ruling made unnecessary and obsolete as the registration period ended May 1, 2001.: ATF Ruling 2004-1: Ruling made obsolete by amendments to 27 CFR 478.11 (definition of "State of residence").
1972-178 - Obsolete ATF Rulings (217.57 KB)

Periodic review of outstanding revenue rulings reflect that the following list of rulings are obsolete because of expiration or changes to current laws and regulations.

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