The new ATF Form 4473 - Firearms Transaction Record (August 2023 revision) is now available. Starting immediately the ATF Distribution Center will cease providing the current form and only mail the new form. The August 2023 revised form will be mandatory February 1, 2024. Order deliveries can take up to 6-8 weeks, so please only submit one order as multiple orders will delay the process. Please ensure all blocks on the order form are complete and you include a current mailing address and phone number. For forms not listed, please call (240) 828-5316 to order. Name * Email * Phone Number * (e.g. 999-999-9999) Mailing Address * Which types of documents would you like to order? * Forms and Applications Publications and Information Documents Posters Fingerprint Cards Miscellaneous Forms and Applications Order Items QuantityOrder ItemRemove Quantity Order Item SelectF 1 (5320.1) - Application to Make and Register a Firearm Packet (Includes instructions, fingerprint cards, and other material)F 1 (5320.1) - Application to Make and Register a Firearm (Application only)F 2 (5320.2) - Notice of Firearms Manufactured (MFD) or ImportedF 3 (5320.3) - Application for Tax-Exempt Transfer of FirearmF 4 (5320.4) - Application for Tax-Paid Transfer and Registration of Firearm Packet (Includes instructions, fingerprint cards, and other material)F 4 (5320.4) - Application for Tax-Paid Transfer and Registration of Firearm (Application only)F 5 (5320.5) - Application for Tax-Exempt Transfer and Registration of FirearmF 6 PT I (5330.3A) - Application and Permit for Importation of Firearms Ammunition and Implements of WarF 6 PT II (5330.3B) - Application and Permit for Importation of Firearms (Military)F 6A (5330.3C) - Release and Receipt of Imported Firearms Ammunition and Implements of WarF 7 (5310.12) / F 7CR (5310.16) - Application for Federal Firearms LicenseF 7 (5310.12) /F 7CR (5310.16) - Responsible Person Questionnaire Supplement for Use By Additional Responsible Persons for Form 7 / 7CRF 9 (5320.9) - Application and Permit for Exportation of FirearmsF 10 (5320.10) - Application for Registration of Firearms (Government Entities)F 1370.2 - Requisition for Firearms/Explosives FormsF 3310.4 - Report of Multiple Sale or Disposition of Pistols/RevolversF 3310.6 - Interstate Firearms Shipment Report of Theft/LossF 3310.11 - FFL Theft/Loss ReportF 3310.11A - FFL Theft/Loss Report (Continuation)F 3310.12 - Report of Multiple Sale or Other Disposition of Certain Rifles (Limit 5 Copies Per Order)F 4473 PT. I (5300.9) - Firearms Transaction Record Over-The-CounterF 4473 PT. II (5300.9A) - Continuation Sheet for Firearms Transaction Record Over-The-CounterF 4473 PT. I (SV) (5300.9) - Firearms Transaction Record Over-The-Counter (Spanish Version) (Limit 20 Copies Per Order)F 4473 PT. II (SV) (5300.9A) - Continuation Sheet for Firearms Transaction Record Over-The-Counter (Spanish Version)F 5300.38 - Application For An Amended Federal Firearms License Under 18 U.S.C. Chapter 44, FirearmsF 5320.20 - Application to Transport Interstate or to Temporarily Export Certain NFA FirearmsF 5330.4 - Application to Register as an Importer of U.S. Munitions Import List Articles (Section 38, Arms Export Control Act of 1976)F 5330.20 - Certificate of Compliance With 18 U.S.C. 922(g)(5)(B)F 5400.13/5400.16 - Application for Explosives License or Permit Application Packet (Includes instructions, fingerprint cards, and other material)F 5400.21 - Application for Federal Explosives User Limited Display Fireworks (Includes instructions, fingerprint cards, and other material)F 5400.28 - Employee Possessor Questionnaire (EPQ)F 5400.4 - Explosives Transaction Record (Non-licensee or Non-permittee) (Required to be used beginning January 24, 2003)F 5400.5 - Report of Theft or Loss-Explosive MaterialF 5630.7 - Special Tax Registration and Return National Firearms Act (NFA) Publications and Information Documents Order Items QuantityOrder ItemRemove Quantity Order Item SelectP 1200.11 - ATF Outreach ProgramsP 3312.7 - National Tracing Center Division – Information for Law Enforcement AgenciesP 3312.8 - Personal Firearms RecordP 3312.9 - National Tracing Center Division – eTrace – Internet-based Firearms Tracing and AnalysisP 3312.10 - National Tracing Center Division – Information for Industry MembersP 3312.11 - ATF Disclosure Of Firearms Trace DataP 3312.12 - The Police Officer's Guide to Recovered FirearmsP 3312.13 - ATF Firearms Tracing Guide – Tracing Firearms to Reduce Violent CrimeP 3315.2 - Bullets, Casings and YouP 3317.2 - Safety and Security Information for Federal Firearms Licensees (Limit 1 Copy Per Order)P 3317.7 - Disaster Preparedness for Federal Firearms LicenseesP 3501.1 - Violent Crime Impact Teams: Best PracticesP 5300.11 - Firearms Curios and Relics List* (Limit 1 Copy Per Order)P 5300.5 (Book) - State Laws and Published Ordinances-Firearms* (Limit 1 Copy Per Order)P 5300.5 (CD-Rom) - State Laws and Published Ordinances-Firearms* (Limit 1 Copy Per Order)P 5300.15 - Federal Firearms Licensee Quick Reference and Best Practices GuideP 5310.1 - Gun Free School Zone NoticeP 5320.6 - National Firearms Act BranchP 5400.7 - ATF: Explosives Laws and Regulations* (Limit 1 Copy Per Order)P 5400.8 - List of Explosive MaterialsP 5400.15 - Safety and Security Information for Federal Explosives Licensees and PermitteesI 5300.1 - Youth Handgun Safety Act PosterI 5300.2 - Youth Handgun Safety Act Notice (Pamphlet) Poster Order Items QuantityOrder ItemRemove Quantity Order Item SelectI 3317.7C - Anti-Trafficking Poster: Prevent Border Violence (Limit 5 Posters Per Order)I 3317.7D - Anti-Trafficking Poster: Mexico Flag (Limit 5 Posters Per Order)I 3317.7E - Anti-Trafficking Poster: Canada Flag (Limit 5 Posters Per Order)I 3317.7H - Anti-Trafficking Poster: Faded Country Flags (Limit 5 Posters Per Order)I 3317.7I - Anti-Trafficking Poster: American Canadian Boy (Limit 5 Posters Per Order)I 3317.7J - Anti-Trafficking Poster: Hands on Bars (Limit 5 Posters Per Order)I 3317.7K - Anti-Trafficking Poster: Hands Cuffed (Limit 5 Posters Per Order)I 3317.7M - Anti-Trafficking Poster: Vertical Hands Cuffed (Limit 5 Posters Per Order)I 3317.7M Spanish - Anti-Trafficking Poster: Vertical Hands Cuffed (Limit 5 Posters Per Order)I 3317.7N - Anti-Trafficking Poster: Crate of Guns (Limit 5 Posters Per Order)I 3317.7N Spanish - Anti-Trafficking Poster: Crate of Guns (Limit 5 Posters Per Order)I 3317.7O - Anti-Trafficking Poster: Worried Witness (Limit 5 Posters Per Order)I 3317.7O Spanish - Anti-Trafficking Poster: Worried Witness (Limit 5 Posters Per Order)I 3317.7P - Anti-Trafficking Poster: Memorial Candles (Limit 5 Posters Per Order)I 3317.7P Spanish - Anti-Trafficking Poster: Memorial Candles (Limit 5 Posters Per Order)I 3317.9A2 - Don’t Lie for the Other Guy Poster: Woman texting on a phone (Limit 5 Posters Per Order)I 3317.9A2SP - Spanish - Don’t Lie for the Other Guy Poster: Woman texting on a phone (Limit 5 Posters Per Order)I 3317.9B - Don’t Lie for the Other Guy Poster: Man in an FFL (Limit 5 Posters Per Order)I 3317.9BSP - Spanish - Don’t Lie for the Other Guy Poster: Man in an FFL (Limit 5 Posters Per Order)I 3317.9C - Don’t Lie for the Other Guy Poster: Woman pointing at a firearm (Limit 5 Posters Per Order)I 3317.9CSP - Spanish - Don’t Lie for the Other Guy Poster: Woman pointing at a firearm (Limit 5 Posters Per Order)I 3317.9D - Don’t Lie for the Other Guy Poster: Form 4473 (Limit 5 Posters Per Order)I 3317.9DSP - Spanish - Don’t Lie for the Other Guy Poster: Form 4473 (Limit 5 Posters Per Order)I 5300.1 - Youth Handgun Safety Act Poster Fingerprint Card Order Items QuantityOrder ItemRemove Quantity Order Item SelectFBI FD-258FA - FFL Application ORI WVATF1100 (Limit 2 Copies Per Order)FBI FD-258EX - Explosives Applications ORI WVATF0900FBI FD-258LE - NFA, Imports ORI WVATF0800 Alert message Miscellaneous Order Items QuantityOrder ItemRemove Quantity Order Item SelectI 3317.A1 - Don’t Lie for the Other Guy NotecardM 3322.2 - National Canine Division Planner Leave this field blank Last Reviewed January 25, 2024