Date of Birth:
Date of Death:
December 4, 1935
Location of Death:
Tulsa, OK

Circumstances of Death
On December 4, 1935, Investigator William Louis Pappan of the Alcohol Tax Unit (ATU), arrived at the Sheridan Club on 51st Street and Sheridan Road in Tulsa, OK, on orders to inspect beer licenses. Investigator Pappan, accompanied by George Stewart, a private detective, were questioning an employee when two armed men approached from behind and ambushed them. Pappan and Stewart struggled to regain control of the situation but were overwhelmed, severely beaten, and shot to death. He was survived by his wife, Grace Octavia Pappan and four children. William Louis Pappan is ATF's first Native American (Kaw Nation) Investigator killed in the line of duty.