Forms Library
Form ID | Title | Description | Category |
F 5320.5 | Form 5 - Application for Tax Exempt Transfer and Registration of Firearm (ATF Form 5320.5) (1081 KB) |
This form is used to apply the tax-exempt transfer of an unserviceable (welded) firearm to anyone other than a federal firearms licensee who has paid the required special (occupational) tax to deal in National Firearms Act (NFA) firearms and to or from government agencies. | Firearms |
F 3311.4 | Application for Alternate Means of Identification of Firearm(s) (Marking Variance) (ATF Form 3311.4) (483 KB) |
This is the form which is used by licensed manufacturers and importers requesting ATF approval to adopt markings on behalf of another manufacturer/importer during firearms manufacturing process. OMB No. 1140-0104 (10/31/2026) | Firearms |
ATF F 5300.9A | 4473 Cont. - Firearms Transaction Record Continuation Sheet (ATF Form 5300.9A) (358 KB) |
This form is a continuation of Section A of the attached ATF Form 4473 and is completed by the transferor/seller. When completed, this attachment is incorporated into and made part of the ATF Form 4473. | Firearms |
ATF F 5300.9A (Spanish) | 4473 Cont. - Hoja de Continuación de Registro de Transacción de Armas de Fuego (Formulario 5300.9A de la ATF) (147 KB) |
Este formulario es continuación de Seccion A del Formulario 4473 de ATF y el transferidor/vendedor lo completa. Cuando esté completo, el documento será incorporado y será parte del Formulario 4473 de ATF. | Firearms |
F 5300.9 (Spanish) | 4473 - Registro de Transacción de Armas de Fuego (Formulario 5300.9 de la ATF) (616 KB) |
La información y certificación del presente formulario sirven para que el que posea una licencia conforme a la sección 923 del título 18, Código de los Estados Unidos, determine si él/ella puede vender o entregar legalmente un arma de fuego a la persona indicada en la sección A y para que el adquiriente/comprador este alertado de las restricciones que se imponen al recibo y la posesión de armas de fuego.
| Firearms |
F 5630.7 | Special Tax Registration and Return - National Firearms Act (ATF Form 5630.7) (393 KB) |
Federal firearms licensees (FFLs) who engage in importing, manufacturing or dealing in National Firearms Act (NFA) firearms are required to file this form and pay the special occupational tax (SOT), an annual tax that begins on July 1 and ends June 30. | Firearms |
F 5320.24 | Description of Firearm and Information on Request for Demonstration (357 KB) |
ATF Form 5320.24, Description of Firearm and Information on Request for Demonstration, should be submitted by Federal Firearms Licensees who have paid the special (occupational) tax to import, manufacture, or deal in NFA firearms, for approval to transfer an NFA firearm to a similarly qualified licensee. The completed ATF Form 5320.24 should be completed by a law enforcement agency requesting demonstration of 922(o) machineguns and will serve as supporting documentation for the ATF Form 3 (5320.3), Application for Tax-Exempt Transfer of Firearm and Registration to Special Occupational Taxpayer (National Firearms Act). The furnishing of this information is mandatory pursuant to Federal regulation (27 CFR § 479.105(d)). | Firearms |
F 5400.29 | Application for Restoration of Explosives Privileges (ATF Form 5400.29) (539 KB) |
This form is used to conduct an investigation to establish if it is likely that the applicant will act in a manner dangerous to public safety or contrary to public interest. | Explosives |
F 5070.1 | Prevent All Cigarette Trafficking (PACT) Act Registration Form (ATF Form 5070.1) (338 KB) |
This form's purpose is to register delivery sellers of cigarettes and/or smokeless tobacco products with the Attorney General in order to legally continue to sell and/or advertise these tobacco products under the PACT Act. | Alcohol & Tobacco |
F 5070.1A | Prevent All Cigarette Trafficking (PACT) Act Registration Form (Continuation Sheet) (ATF F 5070.1A) (312 KB) |
This is the continuation sheet for the PACT Act Registration Form (ATF Form 5070.1). The form's purpose is to register delivery sellers of cigarettes and/or smokeless tobacco products with the Attorney General in order to legally continue to sell and/or advertise these tobacco products under the PACT Act.
| Alcohol & Tobacco |
F 5320.4 | Form 4 - Application for Tax Paid Transfer and Registration of Firearm (ATF Form 5320.4) (1151 KB) |
Application for tax paid transfer and registration of firearm used to request approval to transfer a National Firearms Act (NFA) firearm subject to transfer tax liability. Typically submitted for a transfer to an individual or legal entity such as a trust. | Firearms |
ATF Form 8620.42.pdf (201 KB) | Resource Center | ||
F 5400.5 | Report of Theft/Loss - Explosive Materials (ATF Form 5400.5) (245 KB) |
The purpose of this form is to report the theft or loss of explosive materials to ATF. | Explosives |
F 5400.28 | Employee Possessor Questionnaire (ATF Form 5400.28) (390 KB) |
This form is used to determine the eligibility of the employee possessor (EP) to engage in certain explosives operations. | Explosives |
F 5000.29 | Environmental Information (ATF Form 5000.29) (217 KB) |
This form is used by ATF to determine if any environmental impact statement or environmental permit is necessary for the proposed operation.
| Explosives |
F 5400.13/F 5400.16 | Application for Explosives License or Permit (ATF Form 5400.13/5400.16) (420 KB) |
This form is used to determine the eligibility of the applicant to engage in certain operations, to determine the location and extent of operations, and to determine whether the operations will be in conformity with federal laws and regulations when working with explosives. | Explosives |
Responsible Person Questionnaire (ATF Form 5400.13A/5400.16) (265 KB) |
This form is used to add responsible persons to a Federal Explosives License or Permit (FEL/P) with the application as well as after a FEL/P has already been issued. It is also required to be submitted with every FEL/P Renewal Application (ATF Form 5400.14/5400.15). | Explosives | |
ATF National Canine Division Program Application Package (1674 KB) |
ATF National Canine Division Program Application Package | Resource Center | |
F 5320.3 | Form 3 - Application for Tax-Exempt Transfer of Firearm and Registration to Special Occupational Taxpayer (National Firearms Act) (ATF Form 5320.3) (508 KB) |
This form is used to request approval to transfer a National Firearms Act (NFA) firearm from one qualified federal firearms licensee (FFL) to another qualified special taxpayer. | Firearms |
5400.33 | Application for an Amended Federal Explosives License or Permit (ATF Form 5400.33) (308 KB) |
This application must be completed by any federal explosives licensee or permittee (FEL/P) who intends to make changes, such as the name and/or address, to an active license or permit | Explosives |
F 3310.12 | Report of Multiple Sale or Other Disposition of Certain Rifles (ATF Form 3310.12) (276 KB) |
This form documents certain sales or other dispositions of rifles for law enforcement purposes. The information is used to determine if the buyer (transferee) is involved in a unlawful activity, or is a person prohibited by law from obtaining firearms.
| Firearms |
F 5330.3D | Form 6NIA - Application/Permit for Temporary Importation of Firearms and Ammunition by Nonimmigrant Aliens (ATF Form 5330.3D) (380 KB) |
This form is used to apply to temporarily import firearms and ammunition for lawful hunting or sporting purposes. For use by visiting foreign nationals (nonimmigrant aliens) only. | Firearms |
F 5330.3C | Form 6A - Release and Receipt of Imported Firearms, Ammunition and Defense Articles (ATF Form 5330.3C) (421 KB) |
This form is used to obtain a release from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and notify ATF of actual importation of defense articles imported pursuant to an approved ATF Form 6. | Firearms |
atf_foia_request_form_1.pdf (117 KB) |
ATF FOIA Request Form | Resource Center | |
F 5320.9 | Form 9 - Application and Permit for Permanent Exportation of Firearms (ATF Form 5320.9) (445 KB) |
This form is used to obtain approval to permanently export a National Firearms Act (NFA) firearm and claim exemption from transfer tax. State Department export approval is required prior to ATF Form 9 being approved. | Firearms |