Explosives Industry Newsletter-December 2005

What’s in this issue: Changes Within the Office of Enforcement Programs Services; Changes in the Arson and Explosives Programs Division; ATF’s Response to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita; ATF’s Response to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita; Changes in ATF Regulation 27 CFR 555.55; You’ve Got EIPB-Mail!; Submission of Employee Possessor Questionnaires; New Requirements for Identification Markings on Explosives Materials; Definition of “Highways” as Defined in 27 CFR 555.11 and Guidance on Different “Private Roads”; Construction and Recordkeeping: Storage Bins for Blasting Agents; Variances for Continuing Authority Concerning Preloading of Trucks for Temporary Storage of Fireworks for Shows ATF; REMINDER: Licensees and Permittees are Required to Maintain Records